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Susie (17/04/2011 23:17) Hello everyone! May I please ask If someone knows Lenny\'s current (2011) address. I would be really grateful If you were able to provide me with this info because I am dying to write him. Thank you in advance Josh Board (14/04/2011 19:14) It boggles my mind how all of these people that are in music thank or talk about God then sell sex in their songs or videos. If people are Christian then why are they having sex before they are married,drinking,smoking dope,cigarettes/cigars,mean, gossips,liars/slanderers and gambling? In music it\'s normal to covet,hate, see strippers and sell sex or alcohol. Look at Country music. They talk about God just as much as Christian music then turn around and promote sin. Something is wrong,very wrong! These artists follow the god of blessings not the God of the Bible. They\'ve created a god to suit themselves. That\'s why there is no change and they\'re still doing the same things. They want praise from man/their fans more than God. Jesus warned this will cost people their soul! If you live for sin and live like hell you\'re going to hell...Period A follower of Christ/Word Josh Board Ant (09/04/2011 00:9) Lenny is the only artist cool and talented enough to produce something that will hold up. The only reason Lenny isn't #1 on the charts now is because the industry is promoting new artists. Everyone knows Lenny is #1. They did the same thing to Michael on "Invincible". I can sing and can come up with a cool sound. I got ideas about a rock character that can be unstoppable. I might sound selfish but I'm all about good music. Rock on Lenny! Rock is rhythm, poetry, and guitar creates sound effects. Ant (08/04/2011 22:8) I dig your music man. The song you did on "Michael" was the best song on the CD. I own 3 Lenny CD's and boom them in my Jeep, LOUD! If we could hook up to make a CD it'd probably make top 10. The reason I say this is because I think rock music has a fun, simple message with a mean & nasty beat. The meaner the guitar and the beat the stronger the track. The message has to appeal to the listeners. It's all about having fun, do something crazy. Lenny, if you read this. You are the greatest even if we don't hook up. I want to use the money off the CD to buy a Lamborghini. Sue (25/02/2011 15:25) My son (15 years old) and I (42 years old) both LOVE Lenny!! And since he has a new CD coming out (Black and White America), my son searched for upcoming concert dates. To our surprise, we found that he's opening for U2 - a group on the top of our (and most everyone's) list of greatest bands EVER!!! So we are absolutely ecstatic to get this opportunity to see both Lenny Kravitz AND U2! So Andrew Youssef of OC Weekly, don't put down Lenny, there are many, many who adore his music and are just as thrilled to see him in concert as U2. My son and I are very grateful that Mr. Kravitz is the artist opening for U2 here in California, especially since we can't afford to see both Lenny and U2 in concert separately! And this is going to be the greatest concert we've ever seen - what an experience to share with my son who's really into music now, and I'm so proud that he loves a great variety of music from all generations, with both U2 and Lenny Kravitz high on his list of favorites (thanks to being brought up listening to all of their amazing music...loud)! Diego Carreno (22/02/2011 17:22) this is a very special tribute version to you master, thanks for soo many years of great music from you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV_FSlWnDdM Marcela (17/02/2011 14:17) Solo quiero decirte que en Argentina te estamos esperando Veni pronto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! antun (16/02/2011 13:16) Mr.Kravitz, please check facebook profile Dino Devic Art.You will find amazing pencil drawing of yourself among photos of this person.It is worth to see.Thank You for your music.I visited your concert at Zadar, Croatia 2 years ago.Hope we will see you here AGAIN. Regards Antun Josh Board (09/02/2011 18:9) The entertainmnet industry follows the god of blessings not the God of the Bible! Look at all these music artists who pray to Jesus then sing about and promote vadka,dope,sex before marriage, coveting,gambling and strippers or strip clubs. Not everyone who says to Me Lord.Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. If Lenny Kravitz is the man of God he says he is then it's time for him to take a stand against the music industry! A follower of Christ/Word Josh Board Christophe (12/01/2011 02:12) Mr. Kravitz, Thank you for your music. Thank you for continuing the legacy of Jimmy Hendrix. Stay in touch with the people. Keep it real. Just like in New Orleans with your inpromptu concert with the high school band. These are the only things that will be remembered. Peace out, Christiophe YURY CHAVES (19/12/2010 12:19) dear lenny, i'm sorry because do not speak or write english so well. i wanna invite you to the best and exclusive reveillon in brazil: ITACARE, itacarezinho Beach! please, check www.itacarefest.com.br and come back to bahia, brazil. nice people like you will be here! thanks and sucess, always. yury chaves director unknown, course. Billy (08/12/2010 19:8) I don't know if Lenny reads this or not, but I just wanted to say thanks for your contribution on the forthcoming Michael Jackson project "Michael". This was the one of the very few songs on the album that has the MJ touch to it, and thanks for staying dignified enough to know that it was an MJ Song, and that you didn't try and go extra on it (like Akon). The album is all wrong, but your track offers some redemption and hope for the real fans that there are some people still trying to keep it real for Michael sake. thanks LetLoveRuleTribute (01/12/2010 00:1) LENNY KRAVITZ TRIBUTE BAND Hello everyone we are a band who tributes Lenny...hope everyone will enjoy it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-WeUsuNSrE subscrib e on youtube and follow us on facebook: www.facebook.com/letloveruletribute PEACE Miguel Noble (27/10/2010 17:27) greets, my name is miguel and i reside in jamaica. i'm into rock and roll alternative music and i also make those type of beats. i was hoping i could get a contact to lenny kravitz so that i can send 1, just 1 of my beats for him to vibe. Weather this is possible or not, i appreciate your response, thank you. Zack (27/09/2010 21:27) I want to know where did Lenny get those boots from that has caused so much talk, who are the boots by, I want to get me some.... Seriously I do Lenny On The Subway! (02/09/2010 03:2) Lenny or not? http://www.peopleofpublictransit.com/lenny-kravitz/ mickie (23/08/2010 23:23) I'm trying to find a recording of Lenny on WBCM radio, I believe it was in Boston 2004. Anyone know where I might be able to find this? I have one track "Let Love Rule" and it's amazing, and I'd love to know what other songs were played. Any help would be great! danrice56 (31/07/2010 13:31) danrice56 again; if anyone does know please send me an email to danrice56@yahoo.com instead of replying in this forum. danrice56 (31/07/2010 13:31) Can anyone tell me the name of the video where the woman with vampire teeth emerges from the trunk of a car? Sonya Kates Nixon (16/07/2010 03:16) Greetings Lenny, I wanted to know, do you ever consider having young people who admire you as a role model, to tour with you as a road-hand or possible backup musician help? My son is in need of a strong male role model. He is 22 years old and has a compassion to play the bass guitar. He loves your style of music and I believe if he is given the opportunity to travel with you and your band, this would be a tremendous help to his self-esteem, and not be pressured to join a gang. He needs to be around a good environment, and music is the perfect utopia, I would like to see him consumed in. He has great potential. He just need to be around positive people. Thank you. Sonya Nixon Evansville IN Alex (13/07/2010 16:13) Hi everybody and personally Lenny! Your music supports me through my life! Being an english teacher in Russia i often use your lyrics as grammar and lexical examples! God bless You! maricela ferguson (09/07/2010 15:9) Mr. Kravitz My name is Maricela Ferguson. I\'m a school teacher on (unpaid .hahha.) summer break. I saw your interview w. Ms. Nguyen ch.2 this morning. I am moved by your committent and want to something to help. Entim (05/07/2010 21:5) Leonard Albert "Lenny" Kravitz (born May 26, 1964) is an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and arranger whose "retro" style incorporates elements of rock, soul, funk, reggae, hard rock, psychedelic, folk and ballads. Ruben (01/07/2010 05:1) that choir crash was the coolest thing ive ever seen, you freaking ROCK Lenny dunnerdave (22/06/2010 13:22) check out my caricature I just finished of lenny kravitz on my blog. thanks guys!! http://daviddunneart.blogspot.com/ |