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Lenny Kravitz Forum (page 12)
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Michelle Rodrigues (17/06/2010 21:17)
Hi Lenny,just to let u know...I love uuuu.I have a dream,i still have a dream,one day u gonna answer me..chat with me..xx
Leigh (06/06/2010 18:6)
Download 'We've had enough' by Michael Jackson week commencing 14th June, to get him to #1 chart position on June 25th 2010.

Find your country here and search for ‘We’ve had Enough’ by Michael Jackson http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/ww/

Scroll to the bottom of the Itunes page and select ‘We’ve Had Enough’ as a SINGLE track. DO NOT download the whole album.
Rick (02/06/2010 17:2)
I'm bummed that you had to cancel at Sandia Casino in Albuquerque. I hope you get to reschedule.
Maria (30/05/2010 06:30)
Happy birthday Lenny. Let all your dreams come truth. Any plans coming to St. Tropez this year?
Montse (26/05/2010 17:26)
Hi Lenny, happy birthay!!
Today is my birthay!!
Muchos besos desde Barcelona (España)
Michelle Rdrigues (26/05/2010 15:26)
Hiya,HAPPY BIRTHAY LENNY!!!Muitos parabens,tudo de bom.xx
grand pa lenny marlon schmidt (26/05/2010 00:26)
I invite you to hitchhike from ulm to berlin, where my son 29 years old and his "girlfriend" 41 years old. brought a fantastic life from the universe to here.
15:31 born - 40 hours- manu did´nt want to have a pda. love ist from inside to outside-sometimes it hurts.
hospützality and love invites you
mi ciamo uwe, sono opa and move your ace
Michelle Rodrigues (25/05/2010 21:25)
Oi,you gonna replay any text???!!i whant believe,one day!..Any plans to play in u.k,i hope.I been in your concerts in Portugal,u are always in the high level.love u.xx
Michelle Rodrigues (25/05/2010 11:25)
Hi LENNY,you are just FANTASTIC and yiu know WHAT?I LOVE YOUUU....
Jim and Debbie (23/05/2010 02:23)
Hey Bone..Jack and Lenny.its Jim and Debbie from Park City from years ago....I owe you some tshirts call us....I still have your jack.435-640-2007 our son is playing drums with a group at the warp tour. Call us.We went on the great bike tour....
LaLa (12/05/2010 19:12)
Hi there Does anyone know, where I could get information about the instruments used by Lenny along his Discography. Guitars, keyboards, drums, and all kind of instruments.
Thank you very much... !!!
Caroline Crosby (11/05/2010 14:11)
Gayllina (05/05/2010 11:5)
Am sitting here watchin MTV unplugged special from 1994 and he is singing \"Just be a woman, that\'s all you got to do? n I am thinkin what does he know about being a woman?
Adam Seid (29/04/2010 23:29)
I need to get a contact for Lenny for an event offer

Thank you,

ben walls (07/04/2010 19:7)
21st March 2000. Concert Green Point stadium Cape Toen, S Africa
garnett (06/04/2010 10:6)
hey lenny, why hav u never performed "I Build this Garden for us" live in a concert? such a beautiful song
Alejandra (06/04/2010 03:6)
hola me encantaria conocerte, soy colombiana y quiero decirte que te amo, no se si leas este mensaje, pero queria hacer el intento, ojala te cause curiosidad y pase algo, un milagro
Jack Custo' (03/04/2010 05:3)
WHEN IS HE COMING OUT W/ ANOTHER ALBUM??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????
Gabrielle (28/03/2010 19:28)
Hello! I love Lenny Kravitz and his music very much! One of my favourite song is "Fly away", from album "Gratest Hits" http://www.song-list.net/lennykravitz/flyaway/tracks
PURI SANZ (24/03/2010 13:24)
My name is Puri. I'm a Lenny's fan from Spain. I would be so grateful if you help me to find out an address where I could send a photo of Lenny's concert in my country in order to be signed by him
tttone (17/03/2010 13:17)
check out song #4 for sale http://www.stereofame.com/toms_sound_project_group
Phil Pescuto (01/03/2010 16:1)
Are you a real Lenny Kravitz fan??? If you are I have a great place for you to check out...Get the latest Lenny Kravitz images customized to your phone, ipod, laptop, or gaming device...CHECK IT OUT HERE http://www.music-skins.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&c Path=3_3036_3038
Kerry baranov (27/02/2010 06:27)
Lenny.. We need you! You've deprived us Aussies long enough, please come and show us your magic! Please, pretty pleas with a cherry on top!
Andrew Fineberg (21/02/2010 09:21)
Lenny is going to be supporting U2 on their 360 tour in Salt Lake City, Anaheim 1, Anaheim 2, Denver in June. Sounds like a great combo in my opinion.
lucy (17/02/2010 17:17)
Poland is still waiting 4U!! I wanna see you one more time, my heard's waiting for Your music:)
Tima (05/02/2010 18:5)
You know Lenny, maybe i can help to create your concert in best moscow club - B1 Maximum or Music Town club ... ???
Tima (05/02/2010 18:5)
I will be waiting your concert very very much!!!!! =)
Tima (05/02/2010 17:5)
Maybe one time Lenny come to Moscow...???
Bernd Hartnack (27/01/2010 09:27)
Do you have any Plans to come to Germany?

Best wishes

Daniela (26/01/2010 23:26)
any plans to come to Dubai?

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