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The Resurrection (Lenny Kravitz)
Infos  |  Lyriken  |  Guitarre


Part A:



The parentheses mean strum (n) more times.

Part B:

                                  Strum this chord just like the last


Part C:

It's very similar to part B.

                                  Strum this chord just like the last


Part D:

The chords sequence: G A D  | G A D4sus D  


Part A: (No lyrics)
Part A: If you could ...
Part A: If you could ...
Part B: (No lyrics)
Part C:
Part C:
Part C: The Resurrectio...
Part A: The Resurrecti...
Part A: The Resurrectio...
Part B: Look what he's ...
Part B: He walked the ....
Part D: (No lyrics)


The rest is part A played forever (well, not forever).

Tabbed by Fiz (fiz@tsc.uvigo.es)

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